Custom Made Prosthetics

Custom Made Prosthetic is a collection of artificial limbs that are manufactured to individual specifications so that the product fits the Amputee’s size and requirements perfectly.


Transhumeral Prosthesis

Transhumeral Prosthesis

Transhumeral Prosthesis is manufactured by using optimum quality raw material. It incorporates a powerful electric motor in combination with clutch to help them both flex and extend the elbow—while holding up to 11 lbs!

Transradial Prosthesis

Transradial Prosthesis

Transradial Prosthesis are created for patients who have been amputated through their forearm. These prostheses can be operated by electronic parts or by a simple harness system (also termed “body-power”).

Through Shoulder Prosthesis

Through Shoulder Prosthesis

The aim of a Through Shoulder Prosthesis is to enable armored patients to use their prosthesis intuitively. TSP is a proven treatment method after amputations of the upper arm or a shoulder extraction. After a TMR supply the patients can control their prosthesis by up to 6 different thoughts of natural movements.